Senin, November 02, 2009

No New Poverty Program in 2008

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Although has developed various measures to keep the impact of rising world oil prices, the government seems to still be focused on poverty programs before, so the budget has not changed.

"We will look at the existing budget if the budget increase, would be to the House," said Deputy Poverty, Employment and small-medium businesses (SMEs) Widjojo Prasetijono Bappenas in Jakarta on Thursday.

In the 2008 Budget, the government has allocated a budget of about Rp80 trillion poverty for some programs such as poverty, poor rice program (Raskin), School Operational Assistance (BOS), the Family Hope Program (PKH), the National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM), and development programs small micro and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

"Some existing programs in the government work plan (RKP) and medium term development plan (RPJM) is a refinement of the social safety net programs (JPS) is used. Kan previously existing educational subsidies, health subsidies and so forth, but right now been more organized. That's all used, "said Prasetijono.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister Bakrie, in separate places, explaining the government tried to maintain the momentum of poverty reduction by implementing key principles, namely reduction of cost of living getting poor community, seek to improve the income of poor communities, and pursue economic stability.

"The government has prepared a four-step anticipation, the stabilization of prices of basic needs, encourage the development of real sector, especially SMEs and agriculture, poverty reduction programs, as well as energy diversification program," he said.

Policy of price stabilization of basic commodities, he said, is achieved by keeping the price of four basic commodities, namely rice, sugar, cooking oil, and kerosene.

While support for the development of real sector, he said, in the form of Instruction 6 / 2007 on the acceleration of the policy of real sector development and empowerment of SMEs, as well as the People's Business Credit program.

For poverty reduction programs, he said, the central government had increased the budget allocation of Rp51 poverty, 7 trillion in 2007 to Rp80 trillion in 2008 to finance the 3 groups of programs, a program of assistance and social protection, community empowerment programs, and community self-reliance programs.

Minggu, November 01, 2009

Menperind MS Hidayat: Polemics Corruption Withdrawal can trigger investor from RI Print Email

Jakarta, (Analysis)

Polemic is happening around the eradication of corruption in Indonesia today can make investors pull funds from Indonesia.

Therefore, this debate should be dealt with immediately so as not to drag on. This was conveyed by Minister of Industry who is also Chairman of Kadin MS Hidayat when met at the office of Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Jalan Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta, Saturday (31/10).

"Investors can doubt, but I do not expect in a long time this problem can be solved," he said.

Polemic that occurred today, according to Hidayat making investors hesitant to legal certainty in Indonesia,

"I spoke in the context of legal certainty, any issues that caused great debate must be resolved, if there would be no impact. I spoke in the context of legal certainty is not in the context of the case," he said.

Hidayat said that, every major legal disputes such as the leadership arrests The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) by the police, then investors will hesitate to make long-term investment in Indonesia.

"In the context of legal certainty, any dispute, legal dispute that national impact should be constraint to avoid a protracted, if the long term would cause the impact on the investment," he said.

Half Reduce Foreign Investment

Meanwhile, observers argue Economic Drajad Wibowo two chief arrests The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and pergelutan between the Police Commission regarding the case can reduce half of foreign investment in Indonesia.

It is delivered over the discussion forums Drajad Economic and Monetary Journalist (FORKEM) at the Lido, Sukabumi, Saturday (31/10).

"If investors typically invest for 10, and with this issue then investors will invest only $ 5," explained Drajad.

Terms of the investment, said Drajad, namely the existence of legal certainty and transparency of law. Therefore, the case will make a reduction in the amount of their investment in Indonesia gelontorkan. Drajad states with these cases, the amount of investment will be reduced at least half of the usual.

According to him, maybe the investors will still invest in Indonesia but the amount will be lower than before this case arise.

"I think the problem between the Police Commission will only have a negative impact for investors to Indonesia," said Drajad.

Drajad states kontoversi between the Commission and the Police had made investors doubt that law enforcement in Indonesia. This led them to believe that business should be close to Indonesia so that the authorities will return the collusion between the authorities with a naughty businessmen in the past.

"Then the investors would think that corruption is the Name of The Damn in Indonesia and the law not only can be purchased but also secured if they are close friends with the ruling," said Drajad.

This case adds to investors load legal uncertainty. Previously they have positive sentiments of the Commission's performance, but now it is to be dispersed, "said Tony Prasetiantono Economic Observer to detikFinance, Saturday (31/10/2009).

According to Tony, the KPK arrests led to a negative result, unless this case can be tried and police quickly proved well. "If not, this has been breaking expectations of investors and economic actors to the rule of law in Indonesia," he said.

Economic observers from ECONIT Saparini Hendri said investors assess the current case the Commission as a government effort to clean up corruption, is positive and will be an incentive for investors to Indonesia.

"But unfortunately many investors are precisely assess cases of arrest of the leadership of this Commission are not transparent and not worry this is a government attempt to cover up cases of corruption. So do not be surprised if it eventually Commission cases counter-productive to efforts to encourage investment," he explained.

Meanwhile Rizky Yanuar Economic Observer said, the weak state of law enforcement will only be of interest to the game of hot money (hot money).

"Because it means the transaction was fried hot money that would freely in any country's jurisdiction includes criminal acts. Unlike the case with real investment, because it invested the money to produce then there must be risks, so the production cost structure will be counted," he said.

Yanuar said, the current cost of bureaucracy in Indonesia the company's financial burden, which means to eradicate corruption. (DTC)

Jumat, Oktober 16, 2009

SMF 2009

JAKARTA. Kadin assess fiscal stimulus policy package in 2009 amounting to Rp 73.3 trillion from the government that the House approved this week was the status of work plan on paper. Before ratified, Kadin need to remind again that if the government does not improve the effectiveness of budget management, stimulus package that would deal with old problems of risk absorption is slow budget.

"Therefore, in order that fiscal stimulus can achieve its main objectives, the absorption of its budget on time and on target," said Bambang Soesatyo, chairman of the Domestic Trade Kadin Indonesia via short messages, Thursday (26 / 2)

Kadin was not bored appealed to the Bank Indonesia (BI) Fiscal stimulus package responding to the 2009 credit policy and the relevant interest rates and direction as support for that fiscal stimulus. Because, until the end of February 2009, the effort to reduce the impact of the crisis we are obviously still contradictory. "The expansionary fiscal with a stimulus, it reduces the monetary side, and even inhibit targets that fiscal stimulus," he said

Fiscal stimulus in 2009 allocated a budget of Rp 12.2 trillion for the realization of infrastructure projects. Very decisive role of the private sector. With mortgage interest rates higher working capital today, the private sector would be wrapped in doubt. Moreover, there is a risk the slow absorption from the government budget.

Two of these factors has the potential to disrupt the cash flow of private partners. If the private sector's role minimal, realization of infrastructure projects will not reach its target. Thus, the effectiveness of Fiscal Stimulus 2009 will be reduced.

Socialization Fiscal Stimulus 2009 charges were assessed as in fragments. The public only knew about the content of the budget allocation for infrastructure projects (government expenditures) plus a target opening of 2.4 million new jobs. "But, we do not get a piece of the strategy to encourage private consumption. We only know that the civil servants salaries and the military / police will be raised and policies Article 25 income tax cuts," explained Bambang

In addition to creating new jobs, SMF 2009 should also focus on efforts to boost consumption and lower production costs for the real sector.

Yohan Rubiyantoro

Jumat, Agustus 07, 2009

stimumus moneter

Kamis, Agustus 06, 2009

pengantar ekonomi makro

Pengertian Ekonomi Makro

Ekonomi Makro adalah bagian dari ilmu ekonomi yang mengkhususkan mempelajari mekanisme bekerjanya perekonomian secara keseluruhan..

Hubungan yang dipelajari adalah hubungan secara kausal dan fungsional antara variable – variable yang agregatif. Adapun variable – variable yang dimaksud adalah :

a. Tingkat pendapatan nasional.

b. Konsumsi Rumah Tangga.

c. Investasi nasional (swasta/pemerintah).

d. Tingkat tabungan.

e. Belanja Pemerintah.

f. Tingkat Harga – harga umum.

g. Jumlah uang yang beredar (Inflasi).

h. Tingkat bunga.

i. Kesempatan Kerja.

j. APBN.

k. Neraca Pembayaran (Eksport dam Import).

Secara umum ilmu ekonomi (makro dan mikro) dipengaruhi oleh berkembangnya dua mashab yang berasal dari pemikir – pemikir ekonomi, yaitu :

a. Mashab Klasik yang dipelopoeri oleh Adam Smith dan David Ricardo;

lewat buku karangan Adam Smith pada tahun 1776 yang berjudul “An Inquary into the Nature amd Cause ot the Word of the Nstions” yang terkadang disingkat “The Wealth of Nations”. Pada intinya buku ini berisikan tentang bagaimana mengelola perkonomian suatu negara dengan cara bersaing bebas tanpa ada campur tangan pemerintah, pembagian kerja, dam bagaimana mengalokasikan sumber daya secara efisein.

b. Mashab Keynes (terkadang disebut dengan Keynesian)

untuk pemikiran ini dikembangkan dari pemikiran Jhon Maynard Keynes dengan buku yang diterbitkan 1936 dengan judul “General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money” yang berisikan tentang dua hal yaitu :

a. Kritik terhadap pandangan dan teori dari kaum klasik mengenai faktor – faktor yang menentukan perekonomian suatu negara.

b. Sumbangan pemikiran berupa analisis teoritis mengenai faktor utama yang menentukan prestasi kegiatan perekonomian suatu negara.

Mashab Klasik terkenal dengan pemikiran tentang “Laizes Faire, Laizes Fases” (Persaingan bebas), invesibel demand, (Tangan tak kentara), dan “Supply creates its own demand” (penawaran menciptakan permintaannya sendiri). Mashab Keynes terkenal dengan teori Agregat, likuiditas preferensial.

perekonomian 2009

Krisis ekonomi yang melanda seluruh dunia telah berimbas ke berbagai belahan dunia. Bagi industri dalam negeri yang berorientasi ekspor, krisis ekonomi telah menyebabkan pengurangan pegawai sampai dengan kolaps. Dampak dari krisis ekonomi begitu dirasakan oleh negara-negara industri maju. Seperti Jepang misalnya, melaporkan ekonominya mengalami kontraksi sebesar 0,4% pada kuartal ketiga dengan tingkat pesimisme pengusaha memandang ekonomi yang amat tinggi. Negara yang output ekonominya sekitar US$ 4 triliun lebih ini harus mengeluarkan dana US$ 225 miliar sebagai stimulus untuk mendorong ekonomi.
Negara China melaporkan pertumbuhan ekonominya hanya tumbuh 8%. Sedangkan pertumbuhan industrinya sudah anjlok menjadi 5,4% dari 8,2%. Negara ini mengandalkan Amerika sebagai pasar utama ekspor, yang membuat necara perdagangan kedua negara tidak berimbang dengan surplus dipihak China.
Tetapi untuk perekonomian di Indonesia sendiri masih aman karena pangsa pasar konsumsi Indonesia sangat besar. Kalaupun ekspor indonesia berkurang tetapi produk masih laku dan dipasarkan didalam negeri. Dengan pasar konsumsi Indonesia yang begitu besar maka Indonesia dijadikan tujuan utama para investor yang menyerang negara-negara di ASEAN.